A 5-O project has been established in the Black Sea province of Samsun in Northern Turkey. While the capital city, also named Samsun, is experiencing rapid industrial and population growth, only a small proportion of the local women have been able to find jobs within the growing work force.
The 5-O project trains women in income earning activities relevant to the region. A training centre has been established in which courses can be arranged for women from the city outskirts and completed work can be exhibited and sold. The building is also an administrative and communications centre for other training sites established as the project developed. Local members raised sufficient funds for the building. Training is also given in Engiz village, about thirty kilometres from Samsun City, in a house loaned to the project by a member of the local committee, and in the office of the Village Headman, who has welcomed the project enthusiastically.
At the centre two-year courses are offered in handicrafts, including tailoring, machine and hand embroidery, carpet weaving, matting and knitwear. Courses are also arranged in computer operation, hairdressing, marketing, cooking, childcare and hygiene. In the second year, workshops are established to receive and fill orders for sellable goods. All trainees attend classes in literacy, health and nutrition, family planning and home economics. The courses in Engiz Village run for one year and include tailoring and food preservation of locally produced fruit and vegetables.
In the past, the Government’s Adult Education Directorate in Samsun provided instructors for the training courses without cost to the project, and some of this support is on-going. Marketing assistance is provided by local members of the 5-O organisations; half of the proceeds received from the sale of products go to the students and the other half towards the administrative and working expenses of the project.
A weaving class was started, with 12 women attending the course.
Turkish carpet and mat making are done in women’s homes. Last year each woman earned $500 to $600.
Four greenhouses were given to families with many female members to grow vegetables for sale